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More Blocks

What is Sketchware more Block?

More Block is a feature of Sketchware which easily helps developer to define a method in activity by using drag and drop.


Parameters provided by Sketchware pro

  1. In Variable
    1. String
    2. Number
    3. Boolean
    4. Map
    5. List Number
    6. List String
    7. List Map
  2. In View
    1. View(All types of view available in layout)
    2. ImageView
    3. TextView
    4. CheckBox
    5. Switch
    6. ListView
    7. Spinner Webview
    8. SeekBar
    9. ProgressBar
    10. CalendarView
    11. RadioButton
    12. RatingBar
    13. VideoView
    14. SearchView
    15. GridView
    16. AutoComplete(EditText)
    17. MultiAutoComplete(EditText)
    18. ViewPager
    19. BadgeView
  3. In Component
    1. Intent
    2. SharedPreferences
    3. Calendar
    4. Vibrator
    5. Timer
    6. Dialog
    7. MediaPlayer
    8. SoundPool
    9. ObjectAnimator
    10. Firebase DB
    11. Firebase Auth
    12. Firebase Storage
    13. Camera
    14. FilePicker
    15. RequestNetwork
    16. TextToSpeech
    17. LocationManager
    18. VideoAd
    19. ProgressDialog
    20. TimePickerDialog.
    21. Notification

More Block types provided by Sketchware provided

  1. Void(Return nothing)
  2. String
  3. Number
  4. Boolean
  5. Map
  6. List String
  7. List Map
  8. View

Note: You can't add More Block type rather than above

Get Started

Creating first More Block

Step 1: Open any project in which you want to create More Block.

Step 2: Click on Event.

Click on event

Step 3: Click on more Block


Step 4: Click on the add icon


Info: For example, I am creating a Block that will display a toast message.

Step 5: Give More Block name as Toast, choose more Block type as Void(If not selected), and then click on add.


Step 6: Open your created More Block and do as follow.


Step 7: Put this More Block on any part of the activity and then run it.

Info: I am putting this more block on onCreate, So my toast message will be visible when the app starts.


Step 8: Run the project and install the it.

Info: I placed More Block on onCreate, So my toast is visible when the app starts.

Frequently asked questions

Can I place More Block inside a More Block?

Yes, you can place More Block inside a more block but placing the same block inside itself will give errors.

Where will Sketchware Pro add the code of More Blocks?

package ...;
import  ...;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
	protected void onCreate(Bundle _savedInstanceState) {

	private void initialize(Bundle _savedInstanceState) {}

	private void initializeLogic() {
	//More Block code goes here
	public void _Toast() {
		SketchwareUtil.showMessage(getApplicationContext(), "Type your message here");