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Interstitial Ad

What is AdMob?

AdMob is a mobile advertising subsidiary of Google, originally founded by Omar Hamoui. The name AdMob is a portmanteau for "advertising on mobile". It was incorporated on April 10, 2006 while Hamoui was in business school at Wharton School. The company is based in Mountain View, California. Wikipedia

Why use Admob?

Using AdMob, you can Earn more revenue with your apps. You work hard on your app. AdMob makes earning revenue easy with in-app ads, actionable insights, and powerful, easy-to-use tools that grow your app business.

Getting started

First, we'll need to connect our app to AdMob. You can view that guide on Sketchware's official website.

In-Sketchware configuration


You will see test ads until you SIGN APK.


Add Admob component

First, add an AdMob component.

Admob in Sketchware

Give it a name, and click on Add.


Load the ad in the onCreate event.

Load the ad

Now add the onAdLoaded event, which gets executed when the ad is loaded. Then you will need to register FullScreen content callbacks.

Register Fullscreen callback

Now you're done. Show the ad whenever you want to, in onClick, a component event, or anywhere else. Just make sure to follow Admob's guidelines to make sure your account doesn't get suspended.

Show ad

See? Piece of cake.

Component events


Gets executed when the interstitial ad is successfully loaded.


Gets executed when the ad is closed by the user.


When Admob fails to load the ad, this event gets executed.


When the ad loads but it fails to display it.


When it succeeds to show the ad.

Available blocks

Load ad

Load the ad. Recommended to add in onCreate event.

load ad

Register Fullscreen Content Callbacks

Registers fullscreen content callbacks. Must add in onAdLoaded event.

Register Fullscreen callback

Show ad

Shows the fullscreen interstitial ad.

Show ad